Taliban -Case Study! All you need to know about them!
Taliban, nowadays in the news, is a dreaded terrorist organization founded in Afghanistan. Now this terrorist organization has the government in Afghanistan after sieging Afghanistan’s capital city Kabul.

Taliban is a Sunni-Shiites terrorist organization founded in northwest Afghanistan in 1994. Its founders were the fighters who fought the 1979 Soviet Union war in Afghanistan. So its backdrop was the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1979.
Foundation and early years
Initially, the Afghan Sunni Terrorist organization was a CIA creation formed to fight against USSR or present-day Russia. CIA collected all the orthodox Sunni Muslims and misinterpret the term Jihad and then they started to fight against USSR. After a while, these organizations came together to form a group of militants called the Taliban. Its founders are:
1- Mohammad Omar
2- Abdul Ghani Baradar
After the formation of these militant groups, the Soviets invaded Afghanistan to support Democratically governed government PDPA which was going to be overthrown by the Taliban. Then USA enforced the militant group to fight USSR and throw them out. In 1989, the Soviets left Afghanistan, hence ending the Soviet-Afghan war but then the Civil War started amongst the Sunni Mujaheedins for the succession of throne of President of Afghanistan.

In 1994, after the Afghan Civil War got over, all Sunni Mujaheedin shook hands and formed a militant group known as the Taliban.
1st Government in Afghanistan:
After overthrowing Muhammad Najibullah, the then Soviet-backed President of Afghanistan, they formed their government having Burhanuddin Rabbani as their President. They didn’t hold any free and fair election but formed their government by annexing the provinces and most important Kabul. Their government’s tenure was of 5 years and their governance was lethargic, ruthless and unruliness. In 2001, their regime ended after USA’s invasion of 2001 and starting War on Terror.

After their government collapsed and a new democratically governed government is formed headed by Hamid Karzai along with backing of USA. Taliban was once more insurgent in Afghanistan and were working as sleeper cells. They constantly had fights with US Army up and until 2021 till the time Joe Biden didn’t announced that by 31st August, 2021 the NATO forces will depart from Afghanistan.
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